Useful Links
- The Swedish Patent and Registration Office
- United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
- The official website of the European Patent Office (EPO)
- A reference point for intellectual property rights inquiries throughout the European Union (IPR Helpdesk)
- Center for Intellectual Property studies (CIP),Chalmers and Gothenburg University
- CIP Professional Services, Gothenburg
Technology parks:
- Sahlgrenska Science Park wants to contribute to the increase of start-up companies and to create the right prerequisite for establish companies to grow even faster
- Lindholmen Science Park is a cluster of world-leading players in commerce, institutes and academies
- Johanneberg Science Park: The ideal site for innovative Research & Development work
- Brew House Inkubator: Business incubator with focus on the creative industries
- Chalmers Innovation is a business incubator that supports high-tech business ideas and rapid growth companies from universities, colleges and industrial spin-offs
- Framtidens Företag: “Tomorrow’s Enterprises”
University support structures
- Chalmers Industriteknik is and institute owned by Chalmers University who collaborates with the industry in the development of new technologies.
- Chalmers Ventures is active in the development and financing of start-up companies in the Gothenburg region
- GU Holding, a holding company owned by Gothenburg University, exists to finance, start up, develop and sell companies and projects resulting from research performed at Gothenburg Univesity
- GU Research and Innovation Services
- Drivhuset GÖteborg
Early stage financiers and innovation system supporters